Marble Box India

Posh Policy

What is PoSH:

The POSH Act is a law that protects women from sexual harassment at work.
The POSH Act requires every employer to form an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to investigate complaints of sexual harassment. The ICC is a group of people who are responsible for looking into complaints of sexual harassment and deciding what should be done. The ICC must have at least four members, and at least half of the members must be women. One of the members must be an outsider, such as a lawyer or social worker.

The POSH Act is a significant improvement over the Vishaka Guidelines, which were the previous law on sexual harassment in India. The Vishaka Guidelines were not legally binding, and they did not provide for a specific redressal mechanism. The POSH Act is legally binding, and it provides a comprehensive and effective redressal mechanism.

Red Flags

  1. Gossip & Rumours
  2. Intruding into other’s personal space
  3. Sharing personal photos and videos
  4. Office romance
  5. Staring
  6. Stalking

Key Points

1. Be a Buddy: Be an ally against sexual harassment. Be the buddy that everyone needs

2. No Intruding into other’s personal space: Personal space is sacred. Respect it.

3. No sharing of personal photos or videos: It’s not your photo or video to share.

4. Speak up. Say No: Don’t be afraid to speak up against sexual harassment.

5. Safe workplace: A safe workplace is one where everyone feels respected and valued.

6. MB is a safe workplace: Your Safety is Our Priority

(Details of our policy and IC committee).

Sub Points: (Identifying what to do and what not to do)

1. Office Romance: Keep it professional, or keep it private.

2. T-H-I-N-K (Gossip – NO NO)

Before you gossip about someone.
T-H-I-N-K. Is it true? Is it helpful? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary? Kindness is always the answer.

3. Don’t Pass Muck: Don’t spread rumors or gossip.

4. Staring: Staring is a form of harassment.

5. Stalking: It’s not love, it’s a crime

Recognize, Report, Prevent:

Recognize the signs of sexual harassment. Report sexual harassment if you see or experience it. Help to prevent sexual harassment by creating a safe and respectful workplace.

If you wouldn’t want it done to you,
don’t do it to someone else. 😠

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